What Is Attention Deficit Disorder?

Attention deficit disorder is a neurodevelopmental condition that causes people to struggle with focusing and controlling impulses. Although ADD is without hyperactivity, it is comparable to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Millions of people throughout the world suffer from attention deficit disorders (ADD/ADHD), which makes it difficult for them to maintain their attention, organization, and impulse control. Triumph Behavioral Health is committed to provide thorough assistance and successful treatment alternatives to help people thrive with focus. We are aware of the particular challenges that these disorders present.

So can ADD be cured? While there is no cure for ADD, pursuing ADD therapy is one way to manage the symptoms of the disorder and find solutions to make the most of your everyday life. The benefits of psychotherapy for ADD are vast, and some of the best therapists in Maryland offer comprehensive and innovative solutions to help patients deal with ADD treatment. 

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Attention Deficit Disorder

What Are the Signs and Symptoms of ADD?

There are many different signs and symptoms of ADD, including… 

  • Having trouble following directions

  • Seeming perplexed and lost in thought

  • Struggling to maintain attention

  • Losing items required for jobs

  • Paying too little attention to details 

  • Appearing sleepy

  • Seeming to be forgetful

  • Daydreaming

If you or someone you know is struggling with ADD symptoms and is ready to get help, reach out to one of our licensed behavioral health professionals at Triumph Behavioral Health today. Our team of nurse practitioner therapists can help you with medication management and more to facilitate your recovery. 

We offer ADD therapy for adults as well as therapy for ADHD children – all through our Maryland wellness center model. Our Howard County therapists and Baltimore County nurse practitioner therapists are here to support you.

Symptoms of ADD in Adults

Adults with ADD may experience a variety of symptoms, ranging from inattention to hyperfocus. 

Inattention: Distraction and difficulty focusing go hand in hand with inattentiveness. Adults with ADD tend to daydream and have trouble focusing on the task at hand.

Disorganization: As people get older, their obligations and responsibilities grow. When they are at home or at work, they are disorganized, which makes it difficult to remember to pay bills, complete tasks, and maintain family affairs in order.

Poor Time Management: We all occasionally arrive late for crucial meetings, events, or other critical activities. However, people with ADD frequently complete tasks late because they can't concentrate on a single job and misjudge how long it will take to finish it.

Impulsive Behavior: Compared to adults with ADD, adults with ADHD are more prone to impulsive behavior. Adults with ADD tend to make decisions and talk before they have thought them through.

Hyperfocus: When someone with ADD is engaged in a task or activity they enjoy, they lose all sense of time and space. During this time, they have a tendency to disregard everything around them in what is called “hyperfocus.” 

Possible Causes of ADD

There are many different possible causes of ADD in adults, but regardless of the cause, therapy for ADD can be an effective tool in managing symptoms and behaviors related to ADD. Here are a few commonly accepted causes of ADD: 

Genetics: Research suggests that genes may have a role in the development of ADD.

Environment: Some environmental aspects may impact ADD in adults, such as being exposed to lead as a youngster.

Development: ADD can be caused by problems during the development of central nervous system issues during specific developmental stages. 

Treatments for ADD

ADD treatments usually involve three recommended methods of treating the illness that are frequently combined by mental health therapists:

Attention-Boosting Treatment

With attention enhancement therapy, a client may experience real improvements in self-motivation, goal achievement, and attention. This type of ADD therapy has seen strong results.

Food Habit Control

For many adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), maintaining healthy eating habits is difficult. Certain foods work better than others at stabilizing a person's energy and blood sugar levels and enhancing focus. To obtain and effectively follow a diet chart, speak with a mental therapist like our team at Triumph Behavioral Health

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

In CBT, a popular form of psychotherapy in Maryland, you visit with a mental health professional on a scheduled basis. Your counselor and you will work through any anxiety, tension, or depression during these scheduled sessions.

Get Treatment for ADD

Consult a mental health professional whether you have ADD or if any of the symptoms mentioned above consistently interfere with your life. Different medical specialists can identify ADHD and oversee its therapy. Look for a provider who has expertise and training in providing care for adults with ADD.

For people with attention deficit disorders, Triumph Behavioral Health serves as a ray of hope. We lead our clients toward a satisfying existence where they may embrace their differences, uncover their potential, and live with clarity through our compassionate approach, individualized treatments, and supportive environment.

Take the first step toward a better future if you or someone you know needs attention deficit disorder medication by getting in touch with Triumph Behavioral Health right away. Together, we overcome difficulties with focus, setting the way for development, achievement, and general well-being.

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Attention Deficit Disorders FAQs

How can I help my adult with ADD? 

Helping an adult with ADD involves being encouraging and supportive of their progress. You will want to listen and offer positive feedback – often, people with ADD respond poorly to negative feedback and can get sidetracked by challenges. You may want to seek professional help from a therapist in Howard County who can offer ADD therapy. 

How do you comfort someone with ADD? 

Comforting someone with ADD can include hearing their perspective, helping them take their mind off an issue, and being supportive and encouraging. Spending time outdoors can be a great stress reliever for adults with ADD. Sometimes, professional help from a behavioral health professional is necessary. At Triumph Behavioral Health, we can help you schedule a therapy appointment this week

Can a psychologist treat ADD? 

Psychologists can treat ADD and ADHD with several different types of behavioral therapies. Therapy for ADHD children and therapy for adults with ADD are typically different, so it is important to find a Baltimore County therapy provider who specializes in what you are looking for. Seeking professional help for ADD therapy is often the first step toward making a positive change in your life. 

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